Supplements Watch Dog is owned and managed by a group of individuals who at some point in their lives were either fat or obese and got scammed online when buying diet pills or signing up for fake weight loss programs. It may be more politically correct to say overweight, but in the end it’s the same no matter how you say it. At some point we ended up at the doctor’s office and at the ages of 35-44 were diagnosed with early stages of Diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and a host of other issues related to our liver and heart. At that point we made a decision that we would leave these sick people at the doctor’s office and start a strict diet based on high nutritional value, and reduced levels of carbohydrates, sugars and saturated fats.
Our journey lead us to some weird and fascinating information about how to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. At first it was extremely difficult, but eventually our bodies adapted and we started feeling lighter and more energetic.
Eventually we found out that certain dietary supplements and diet pills could help us out, and those critical moments where you find yourself looking into the fridge at night with a sudden need to chow down on pork rinds or devour a fat philly cheese steak disappeared. Instead we found peace and comfort with natural foods and a lifestyle which helped us become healthier and more vibrant. is a practical account of our shared experiences and what we have learned during these last few years. We view it as a kind of blueprint to successful dieting and a healthy lifestyle which will help you transform your life and have an amazingly positive influence on your sense of self-worth. It will also help you spot the diet scams very easily and skip to the genuine weight loss offers. This change will also radiate outwards and influence your inner circle of close friends and family. We view this site as our life’s work and a genuine way to help people change their lives.